Bounce Compressor – Analog Sound and Digital Transparency
Add Punch and Motion to your Beats & Songs
What is Bounce?
Bounce is a transparent yet versatile compressor that can do subtle compression to full thrusting and punchy sounds. Featuring a Detection Section, where you can select the frequency band (range) which you can feed back into the compressor to create the desired shape of your sound.
Works great on anything from Drums, Bass, Synths, Vocals, Percussion, Guitars and Acoustic Instruments to the entire Mix and also great for Mastering Audio.
- Easy to use
- Great on Tracks, Busses and Mixes
- Add Thrust and Punch to your Beats
- Full Detection Section with Maximum Control
- Dry and Wet controls built in
- High-Pass Filter / Sidechain Listen
- Many different sound shapes and colors from one plugin!
Compressor Features:
- Attack: 0.1ms to 30ms.
- Release: 100ms to 1200ms.
- Threshold: -1db to -30db
- Knee: Hard/Soft
- Ratio: 1.5 to 20
Detection Features:
- Range: 60hz to 10Khz
- Range-Q: 0.7 to 8.6
- Feedback: 0db to 10db
- High Pass Mode: On/ Off
- Sidechain Listen: On/Off
- Comp Type: Peak / RMS
- Dry/Wet: 0-100 %
- Input: -inf to 0db
- Makeup: -inf to 20db
Meter Features:
- Input Meter
- Output Meter
- Gain Reduction Meter
- Extract file and double click on the dropx.pkg file
- Right-click on the package and click open
- Follow the instructions to install the plug-in(s)
Windows :
- Run bounce.exe
- Follow the instructions to install the plug-in(s)
Registration :
In demo mode, the plugin will output silence for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.
To register it, you should click on the Logo of Beatskillz on the plugin, click on “registration” and enter your serial number. (Internet connection required) , Make sure not to leave a blank at the end of the serial.
Change Logs :
Bounce V 1.2 Update - 11/05/2016 1. Adds new features such as High Pass Filter mode and a sidechain listen switch. Bounce 1.02 Update - 29/01/2016: 1. Fixed "mono" only mode. Fully stereo and mono compatible now Bounce 1.01 Update - 28/01/2016: 1. Fixed GUI Issues, the Peak/RMS and Soft /Hard switches now don't rest upon closing the interface. 2. The Presets on the Mac OS version now install properly and show up instantly on the plugin.